Our Mission

Empowering girls and young women to discover their potential as leaders of their world.

Our Offering

Girl Guides is the largest volunteer-led movement for girls & young women in the world.
As a Not-For-Profit organisation, all donations over $2 are tax-deductible and fund key initiatives which empower and nurture young girls and women.

A place where all Girls are accepted, encouraged and supported in their development - regardless of their needs.
Guiding is a safe space for every Girl.
A space where Girls carve their own journey, choose what to learn, and have fun through adventure.
A place where her appreciation for the natural world can be sparked & wonder revealed.

A place where they can carve their own journey, choose what to learn, be challenged, discover new talents, have adventures, be creative, and most importantly—have fun.
Encouragement to help develop positive self-image, confidence & self-esteem.
Somewhere she can spend time with people who can show her how to help the community & look out for a neighbour in need.
Find Out More

Our Girls Develop their Potential By...

Exploring New Activities

Becoming a Girl Leader

Enjoying Team work

Feeling a Sense of Belonging

Learning Social COnfidence

Caring for the Environment

Learning by Doing

Setting Goals

Achieving Goals

We Are Girl Guides...A Place to Grow

We have a century of experience in supporting young girls become the women of tomorrow.

And whilst the world has changed, the need to support young girls helping them realise their potential - has not. We are empowering the women of the future; for they will not only impact their families, communities, and country—they will change the world.

Are you Ready?

Make a difference today and donate to support the empowerment of our future generation of women.


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