Gifting in Your Will

A gift from your Will can empower girls and young women to discover their potential as leaders of their world

By leaving a gift in your will to Girl Guides...

you can make a real difference in enabling girls and young women to positively impact their world and community. Every gift, large or small, helps us achieve our vision where girls and young women are empowered to discover their potential as leaders of their world.

Naturally you'll want to look after your loved ones first

All we ask is that after remembering your family and friends, you consider leaving a gift in your will to Girl Guides NSW, ACT and NT.
Leaving a gift in your will to Girl Guides NSW, ACT & NT is a special and lasting gift, to help the next generation of Girls experience the wonders of Guides.

The need is great...

Your gift will be great!

All gifts will be greatly appreciated and will help us continue to support the Girls of today, and women of tomorrow.

What a gift in your will can do...

Your gift will fund our work to continue providing a place for girls to grow and create their own pathways through unique extra-curricular activities.

Your kindness will ensure the best support, tools and resources are provided for girls and young women. 

A donation from you will make a world of difference for generations of Girl Guides and their families.

How to include a gift in your will...

Everyone should have a will as it gives you the power to choose how your assets can benefit your loved ones and the world you leave behind.

Making or updating a will is simple - just ask your solicitor to include the type of gift of your choosing.

Please make sure to include our correct legal name:

Girl Guides Association (New South Wales)
Suite 202 (Level 2)
55 Holt Street
Surry Hills NSW 2010
ABN 21 366 241 150.

Are you Ready?

Make a difference today and donate to support the empowerment of our future generation of women.


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